My experience with data visualization centers around sustainability-related data, such as energy use and water consumption. While I find these sorts of projects to be the most enjoyable, I love creating visualizations with just about any data I can get my hands on.

I am proficient in creating insightful visualizations with:


Python (Altair, Matplotlib, ggplot)

Excel/Google Sheets

Scroll through some examples of my work below, or check out this live workbook (specifically the ‘Climate’, ‘Energy’ and ‘Water’ sections) to see some visualizations I’ve created.

Water consumption mapped by usage volume + building designation (Pomona College, 2023 Annual Sustainability Report)

Energy usage mapped throughout the fiscal year, with toggle to view gas usage in addition to electricity (Pomona College, 2023 Annual Sustainability Report)

Bubble “heat map” displaying gas usage by individual building meter w/ tooltip and toggle to adjust fiscal year (Pomona College, 2023 Annual Sustainability Report)

Gauge created from scratch using Tableau’s OpenStreetMap compatibility, displaying progress towards goal (Pomona College, 2023 Annual Sustainability Report)

Altair composite chart: scatter plot displaying % of state population against number of established rock climbing routes (blue dot = state), red correlation line overlaid (Pomona College, Data Science coursework)